Highs and Lows...

I received an hr long lecture on how I needed to change my career, that I was not qualified for any job that would be hiring anytime soon, and that I needed to go to workshops to gain skills that could help me gain skills for real world employment. Although he was looking to help me gain employment, the whole experience was very insulting. He didn't pay attention to my work experience, and told me that my time as a Assistant Director (a very coveted job here in NYC, by the way) was essentially a Secretary job. But more insulting was the fact that he told me that despite my two degrees, from very well known Universities, that I didn't have any real world skills and most importantly that it was foolish for me to be pursuing a career in my field. I'd like to say I took the high road and kept graciously quite, but sadly I did not. I concluded the meeting by telling that I thanked him for his time, but that the 100 plus grand that I spend to educated myself, would not be tossed a side to take a job that I was over qualified for.
Although it sounds as though it were a very tense meeting it wasn't it was just insulting on my part.

I'm so excited to re-discover all my favorite haunts of northern Alabama. I can't wait!
Aw sorry to hear about the meeting, sounds like he was insulting indeed! I'm glad you didn't back down though, as you probably happiness usually comes when you stick with what you love, instead of doing what others want you to. :)
Hope you have fun on your trip to Alabama! And thanks for your comment! <3
That's horrible. Don't listen to them. Congrats on the show!
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